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Writer's pictureJanice Debo


Oh how festive are Christmas candies! What a memory I have of being a kid and loving the special candy that comes around at Christmas. But, this memory is one of taking a group of seniors where I worked a few years ago to the most festive and colorful place I can recall.

I drove a 29 passenger bus full of very excited 80 and 90 year olds this one evening to a well known place called Meadow Lights out in Eastern North Carolina. Don't worry, I lived in North Carolina then so I was not driving from Oregon just in case you were getting concerned. And if you are curious, it's in Benson, North Carolina.

This place will take anyone back to their childhood and that night we all traveled back in time. Now another side note to keep you from worrying, I had a bus load of very active and independent senior citizens. At times, a wild bunch. The excitement was impossible to contain and for good reason. We were venturing back in time and to this day it is called a time capsule.

We parked and immediately were in the old fashioned candy store. Talk about a tough crowd, getting those folks out of the candy store took quite a while. Every kind of candy you can possibly imagine was on the shelves and in the colorful bins. If you had it in your childhood, it's there. And after all these years, they are still open. But I digress.

After trying to herd cats, oops seniors out of the candy store, we ventured out into the chill of the North Carolina crisp December air. And it was just that, cold! It was a good thing we planned ahead and wrapped up or should I say bundled up because we were out to ride the "train" to see the outdoor Christmas lights scattered around what once had been a family farm. It's been 40 years now and has grown much bigger now than when I had the privilege of visiting it with my group of seniors.

I will write more in another blog about Christmas lights. As they say, more to come so please stay tuned.

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