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Writer's pictureJanice Debo


I hope you are intrigued by this title to lighten up. This blog was unplanned but I'll roll with it anyway. Maybe it's time to let go of some of the heavy weights you are carrying. I hear someone saying, I'm not carrying any heavy weights. Ok, some folks may not be. However, I can say with certainty that most of us drag stuff around that is not ours to carry.

It is important to realize when something is weighing us down, focusing on emotions here primarily. Worries, fears, other peoples stuff and so on are things that put a burden on us; on our hearts, our minds and frequently our bodies too. Even if you are not prone to overthink, these weights do sneak in and try to take up space. Have you heard the phrase that goes sort of like this - don't let it rent space in your mind?

Being transparent here, I am a classic over thinker at times and tend to have a vivid imagination that leads me down rabbit holes but I never catch that darn rabbit. Back to 'Let's Lighten Up' since that's my topic here.

What are some things that weigh you down? Having experienced loss of 2 family members recently, I catch myself feeling a mix of emotions such as sadness, anger and so on. Those times are very difficult and we can wonder if we could have done anything different to change what happened. Every situation is different without question and we all respond in our own way. Yet even in those times I found myself owning the story of that person and feeling guilty and depressed.

Another few things we can get weighed down with is money, our future, our jobs or security. Even if it is your story and not someone else's, it can be a heavy burden. You may need to deal with your stuff, but there's a time to mentally put it in a balloon of your choice and let it go.

Lighten your load and let it fly away......

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