Oh my Christmas Kitties. Simon is on the left and Tobe is on the right! These two were quite the pair. Brothers from different mothers ha ha, but born within a couple of months of each other. Sadly Simon is no longer with us but Tobe is doing great at 19. They were inseparable. They would wrestle then snuggle.

On this one particular Christmas I had decorated the leather sofa with the kitty pillows, a couple of festive stuffed animals and an afghan with the image of the church you see decked out for Christmas. I was very surprised when I found them curled up in front of the church afghan. I could not have staged this if I tried. These two funny kitties.

I have wondered over the years what the message might be from these two if they could talk. Of course it was cozy and cute. Maybe they were waiting on Santa to bring more treats or simply giving their mom a Kodak moment to write this blog many years later.

I do love looking back at old or even recent photos as I could be considered an aspiring photographer with over 21,000 pictures in my phone alone. Then there are the 12 or more photo albums with extra photos yet to be added. Do you like looking back and remembering?

My special Christmas kitties have given me so many photo ops that I could bore you for days like a proud mom showing off her kids. Oh that’s right. I am. The holidays are special times for most of us I would surmise. I’ve moved around quite a bit in my life, both as a child and as an adult. Thus, I do not care much for it. But on that note, let’s get back to Christmas.

During the holidays we would rotate from visiting mom’s family and dad’s family. FYI, there will be many more blogs to come on that subject. Suffice it to say, going back home for the holidays was not on my radar my entire life. Oh don’t be sad, I didn’t know any different and my parents made it an adventure. But oh poor Santa!

Now I’ll wrap this blog up and leave you in suspense. Have you heard the old song ‘Over The River and Through The Woods’ to grandmothers house we go? That was the theme of the holidays. The torture was listening to my dad sing it while the 4 of us were trapped in the back of the family station wagon, oh my.

These two precious fur babies have celebrated in many locations as well. Such resiliency I cannot attest to for myself but they did not complain. No matter where you land or are in life, draw from a memory or two this holiday that are a delight to you. Next time…….

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