The weekend is coming, but why wait until the weekend to do a refresh, reboot, recharge for yourself? Let’s consider why this can be a daily option. I don’t care for the word “habit”so much. It implies routine and stagnant to me. It can be a good word I suppose when it comes to brushing your teeth, taking a shower, exercise of course.

But what about that time to give yourself a break, celebrate an accomplishment, take a deep breath and mostly show yourself some love? Today I will take a closer look at those three words to help you gain a new perspective.

Refresh… Give new strength or energy to reinvigorate! I love that. Everyone will have their own ideas and ways of being refreshed. Some ideas are to go outside and breathe some fresh air (hopefully there is some where you are); do some stretches; put on some music you love and if you like, dance; watch a funny movie; visit with a friend; and the list could go on and on.

Reboot… Interesting definition since it mostly refers to a computer or a device and it means to shut down and restart. Have you tried that lately with your life? Maybe just a good night’s sleep gives you a reboot. For me, I love a bubble bath with mineral salts and bath bombs. Sometimes I play music and sometimes I just lay back and enjoy the bubbles like a little kid. Take time to shut down and then restart your system.

Recharge… This is so good; to regain energy or spirit and to inspire or invigorate afresh. Not unlike the other ideas I proposed earlier, but find your own way to recharge your “batteries”. Some of us have needed to replace them at times, Ha Ha Ha! I do love the word “recharge” though as it speaks to me of regaining my energy as the definition says.

When you do one, you are likely doing them all. My point here of course is to take time out, time off and time away from the everyday to just be and bring back that twinkle in your eye and a spring in your step. Why not now…

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