One of the inspirational posts I follow on Facebook is ‘Ravenous Butterflies’. Their quotes and pictures are so beautiful and uplifting. This one popped up this morning with the photo.

“Let someone love you just the way you are …. as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.” Marc Hack Fulvio Rinaldi#ravenousbutterflies #marchack #fulviorinaldi #love #acceptance

What really spoke to me was the comparison of the light illuminating a room through a broken window. We all have broken pieces, don’t we? If you live on planet earth and are breathing, in all likelihood you didn’t have a perfect upbringing or adulthood to this point.

I had never considered the analogy of light through a window that was cracked or broken. Think about an old house in disrepair with windows that are all but falling out. Does the sunlight come in? Of course it does. I had a beautiful piece of pottery that I have since gifted to a friend. It was an intentionally “cracked pot” with holes to let light in or out if you put a small candle in it. The poem that came with that piece spoke of how the cracks let in the light.

Do you think you have to be perfect and all “put together”? Being transparent here, I have felt that way a lot. Putting up images of myself but feeling less that what I was portraying. Thankfully, I no longer wear that mask, at least all the time. It is challenging to be transparent. Society and culture has taught us to look and act a certain way.

My encouragement to you today is that no matter how “cracked” you may be, no matter how imperfect you consider yourself to be, light still shines in and out of you if you will let it. Will you do that? Open the curtain….

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