Are you “Stuck In The Middle”? Or maybe you feel like you are in between in your life. You may be at a crossroad and not sure which way to turn or where to go. I can relate.

It can be a helpless feeling with no sense of direction. So many times in my life I have been in a position of not knowing and I like to refer to it now as the ‘unknown’.

A few years ago when I was living in North Carolina my life was uncertain. I knew I was going to relocate to Colorado at least for a few years. However, in the midst of all of this, the house was on the market, I was selling what I could sell and didn’t need, giving away other items, storing long term the valuable items and family heirlooms. Then there was the trailer to carry what I could with me for that period of time.

I was so scared and uncertain in many ways since I didn’t know how it would all unfold. In the exhaustion of all of this, on the last day in my home, I had an army of friends packing and cleaning for me. It touched me so when I walked in from taking a load to storage and collapsed on the floor.

Well, I’m in Oregon now of course. It all worked out in my life for a season but I’ve been in the ‘unknown’ since and in some ways it’s exciting. In other ways it is terrifying. Find support in your close friends.

What do you do when you are living “in between”? I’m glad you asked. Sometimes you need a distraction to stop the overthinking process. Too much analysis does indeed lead to paralysis.

A favorite movie can transport you for a while. I highly recommend quiet times of meditation and letting it go. You will know what to do and which way to go when it is time. Take a break from your own mind.


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