As children, most of us grew up imagining and playing games of pretending to be a pilot, a school teacher, a nurse and many other occupations. Some grew up “being” mommy’s and playing with doll babies. I did some of that too.

I recall playing Barbies quite often and had some really cute handmade clothes for both Barbie and Ken. Barbie had more of course. One memory I have of when I was about 5 or 6 was being a majorette in a band. The teenage daughter of a family friend was just that and I wanted to be just like her and twirl the baton. She taught me a few moves and if I had a baton I believe I could still do them. Although catching it after tossing it up in the air was too scary for me!

Ahh, I digress, but not really. As adults, why do we stop dreaming and letting ourselves imagine? It’s often ridiculed and educated out of us. If you can’t see it, it’s not real. Well, guess again. Everything that has ever been invented was in the mind of the inventor first. If you can’t see it in your mind, it won’t exist. (This is true for positive and negative, so stick to the positive please.)

What do you want? What are your hearts desires? Dream, write it out, spend time seeing it in your mind and a word of caution, don’t talk yourself out of it and for goodness sake, don’t let someone else talk you out of it either. There are some things that are not advisable of course, but mostly, go for it if you have a dream.

A friend of mine at 65 went back to school and became a lawyer. They could have said, I’m too old for that and to start over. Really? They did it. Check your brain at the door of your dreams and take a walk, sit in the park, beside a river, on your porch and imagine. Where will you go? Who will you be? I’ll be back to find out……

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