Here we go! It’s coming ready or not. Oh, Christmas that is. It seems every year it gets here faster, or do we bring it in earlier? A little of both actually. This is my first blog of the holidays and there are many more to follow.

I will be sharing about such topics as holiday traditions including family stories, mostly mine, Christmas tree hunts, decorating that tree, caroling, presents, food (of course) and oh so much more.

The photo of the deer in the snow is represents to me that he is thinking about what’s coming. I don’t think that’s a reindeer however for the purposes of this writing, I’ll claim it is. This deer is truly pondering what’s coming and how he’s got to get it together and deliver all those awesome goodies to those of us keeping an eye out for Santa.

Christmas is a special time of year to many, many people and especially children. The music, the lights, the anticipation, the food for sure and family. Personally I am not near my family and will be celebrating a little differently. However, I have many a story to tell from growing up and some crazy Christmases over a lot of years.

I’ll keep this short and keep you waiting for the next blog about the holiday season, but don’t say I didn’t warn you, it will be a sleigh full of fun!

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