What do we consider a beautiful life? One that is perfect? One that is well planned out? My perspective is that a beautiful life is one that is lived to the fullest possible extent that a person can live it.

In this case, I am honoring a life of a young man (intentionally anonymous). He was raised by a single dad with one brother. This young man’s life was full of adventure and possibilities early on. He was a precious boy and his father was so proud of him as he grew.

They moved quite a lot due to his dad’s work which gave him opportunities to grow and experience so much others may not have had the chance to. He seemed normal and like most boys had his share of getting into trouble. I did not know him which was truly my loss.

I say ‘was’ as this wonderful young man’s life was cut short about a year ago due to a tragic accident. But in his early adult years he lived life to the fullest possible. He loved his videos and from what I understand, he had a collection that would rival any video collector.

He also was a music lover as is his father. Most likely he walked around with music in his ears all the time singing along and dancing too. He had a heart of gold and based on what I know, he came by that honestly since his father has a heart of gold as well.

Speaking of music, the song that he and his dad considered “their song” was ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’! What a beautiful song and now his dad finds that extra special and says that his son truly was the wind beneath his wings and he learned as much or more from his son than his son did from him.

This young man also had a favorite song, ‘A Thousand Years’. I believe this was because of a young lady he loved. This young man developed autism in his 30’s and he was never to experience what most people would consider a normal life. He lived a beautiful life; one full of life in every way he could. I admire that he had the ability to live in the moment and not worry about the future or past as so many of us do.

He really loved Christmas as did his grandmother. it was a very special time of year for both of them and this young man enjoyed it in every way possible. He loved the Christmas lights and of course the presents.

I would love to have met this young man and I feel everyone he touched he helped to put a smile on their face and in his way bring joy. May we take a lesson from him and appreciate the moment we are living in and not be consumed with the future or the past. Somehow, I feel I know this young man and would have loved sitting and chatting over a cup of coffee.

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