Since this is Mother’s Day, I want to honor my beautiful Mom. Joy is contagious and this face of hers grinning makes me smile from ear to ear. Mom will be 90 on October 6 of this year. That is something to celebrate isn’t it? What a privilege it is to be her daughter. I could not be there this year since we are over 2,500 miles apart but my older brother and his son, my nephew surprised her with flowers, cheesecake (her favorite) and cards. I happened to be on the phone with her when they walked in! I was as surprised as she was and I can’t stop smiling this afternoon. Mom is a very smart lady. She had a double major in college of Spanish and English. She taught school for quite a few years and worked in a library for a long time after she stopped teaching. She raised 4 of us and that in itself is a significant accomplishment. I was the second born when my older brother was only 14 months old. Wow! She had her hands full and the next two siblings came five years after me and another 16 months apart. Mothers are special and even though I didn’t have that life experience myself, I have many friends who have and I see the love, compassion and hard work that goes into raising children. I have no regrets and have a full life. I get to experience life from a different perspective for sure. Life is good! And today my heart is overflowing with gratitude and love. I share my joy with you my friends and may this bring a smile to your face today. If you can, go hug your Mom, or someone close. Let them or someone know they matter. You matter….

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